Genomics and Data Analytics Core (GeDaC)

GeDaC is part of a broader vision to establish CSI as a regional and global leader in cancer-related computational biology.

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The Genomics and Data Analytics Core (GeDaC) at the Cancer Science Institute of Singapore (CSI) is designed to meet the increasing need of bioinformatics and computational support for institute labs. Its mission is to,

  • provide investigators access to bioinformatics expertise and solutions,
  • use data science to enhance the impact of CSI’s research, and
  • develop innovative platforms for cancer genome analytics.
GeDaC is part of a broader vision to establish CSI as a regional and global leader in cancer-related computational biology.

For further information and to discuss how we may help you with your computational biology work and price list, please contact the Genomics and Data Analytics Core (GeDaC) via email (csi_gedac[at]

Solutions We Provide

GeDaC is providing services and solutions made up of three collaborative and complementary units

Genomics and Bioinformatics Services

We provide services for

  1. Project-based consultation and bioinformatics analysis for research groups,
  2. Best practice pipelines for common genomic data (e.g. NGS) processing and analyses,
  3. Standardization and storage of CSI datasets, and
  4. Sequencing library preparation.
The facility also houses CSI’s Genomics Bench that is equipped with a variety of equipment to support research analysis within the institute. The full list of equipment under the Genomics Bench are:

    • Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer
    • Agilent 4200 TapeStation
    • Covaris ME220 Focused-ultrasonicator
    • Diagenode Bioruptor Plus
    • Diagenode Bioruptor Pico
    • Bio-Rad QX200 Droplet Digital PCR

Storage and IT support

The Storage unit is responsible for the maintenance of CSI servers and storage management such as backup and archiving. The unit also provides support for the institute’s cloud computing transition, security, and network maintenance.

Scaling and Tech support

The Scaling unit provides support and assistance to users on how to transform bioinformatics pipelines into scalable and portable workflows.

The unit is also developing a cloud-based software stack to harmonize/warehouse local and public sequencing data.
This includes constructing modern APIs/databases to facilitate smooth data access for CSI researchers.

Finally, this unit will liaise with tech industry partners as well as manage collaborative efforts between CSI and the Genome Institute of Singapore.